INTRODUCTION | Sister Lata experienced miracles after miracles from the time she heard the Gospel at 21 and received the love of God that transformed her and empowered her to serve the Lord with His love and compassion. The Lord gave her a heart for the perishing children of India and used her to birth…
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INTRODUCTION | Ps Cornelio experienced God’s awesome power when he received Christ in his youth. He was instantly delivered from bondages, became a new creation, was filled with the Holy Spirit, had an encounter with God and heard the voice of God telling him, “The purpose of your life is to serve Me!” God gave…
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INTRODUCTION | The Goldfish is a common fish found in the pet trade. Goldfishes were domesticated in ancient China from crucian carp, which is one of the most important farmed fish, While kept in captivity in an aquarium, a goldfish could grow to be 15cm in length. While kept in ponds it could grow upwards…
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INTRODUCTION | Indeed, we are living in the end time zone. But God’s mercy endures forever. No other religion has set out all these signs of end times so clearly as what Jesus gave us in His Word. Luke 21:10-11. Earthquakes, famines (Sri Lanka), pestilences – epidemic or pandemic (Covid). Wars – Ukraine war, cyber…
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INTRODUCTIONFor this New Year, let us RENEW our commitment to the Lord in strengthening our relationship with Him as His children. We are not orphans but Children of our Father God – the Most High God. In John 14:18, Jesus said, “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.”God champions and…
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INTRODUCTION | Today begins a New Year – 2023! God gave us a NEW Malaysia with a unity government. We need to continue to pray because we recognize the fact that there is an intense spiritual battle taking place. In Ex 17:8-13 God used Moses, Aaron and Hur to lift up prayers that empowered Joshua…
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INTRODUCTION | Malaysia grieves because of the precious lives lost in the massive landslide at Batang Kali. Many are struck with inconsolable grieves having lost loved ones. We as a church grief the loss of Bro Chai Su Boon a faithful, loving, humble and dedicated member of HGC. At this time of grief, the Lord…
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INTRODUCTIONOur God is good and faithful. We have many things to thank Him for despite the turbulent times we are in now. Thank the Lord for a new PM and a new unity government. As a church, we are in the time of post covid, we need to move forward with our vision and mission…
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INTRODUCTION | In 1 Kings 17: 1- 7, we see the story of Elijah following the command of God to go to the Brook Cherith, where God has commanded Ravens to feed Elijah. But why ravens though? Ravens are unclean birds (Lev 11:15) and have a bad reputation and are associated with death, misfortune, illnesses…
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