The Goldfish is a common fish found in the pet trade. Goldfishes were domesticated in ancient China from crucian carp, which is one of the most important farmed fish, While kept in captivity in an aquarium, a goldfish could grow to be 15cm in length. While kept in ponds it could grow upwards to 36cm. Goldfishes kept in restricted bowls or aquariums way too small for them experience a stunned growth where it body does not grow, but their organs do which suffocates the fish which lead to the passing of the fish. Yet if given near unlimited space to grow, a goldfish could reach sizes equivalent to a football. Goldfish are considered one of the most invasive fishes in the world, due to them being illegally introduced to many natural water ways. Goldfish can give birth to about 1000 fry and goldfish are known to be big eaters. They could easily out compete many endemic species.
Now what does this have to do with the message? There is a rather peculiar incident recorded in 1 Chronicles 4: 9-10 which speaks about a man named Jabez and his prayer to God to enlarge his territory. What can we learn from his prayer.