Author: hseofjoy2009

INTRODUCTION | There are 3Cs in the prayers on the Firewall (“FW”) which if practised diligently can truly lead to changes in our lives.

INTRODUCTION | There is a battle going on and everyone is involved. It is a spiritual battle in the battlefield of our sinful world of darkness, deception, troubles, storms, fears, sicknesses and where the devil is out to steal, kill and destroy. The battle rages in the hearts, souls, minds and mouths of people old…
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INTRODUCTION | To pray is to Converse / Communicate (2 way) with God, to spend time with God, to enjoy His presence and to commune or share together with Him. You don’t need to repeat yourself or use perfect English. The emphasis is that God wants men especially fathers to pray! And to pray for…
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INTRODUCTION | Today we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus who rose again triumphant over death and sin and all the powers of the devil. Through Jesus’ death and resurrection we are now restored back to fellowship with God to be joined with Jesus to become God’s beloved and blessed children. In Eph 1:20-23…
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Good Friday Service – 02 April 2021

INTRODUCTION | Last Sunday is traditionally known as Palm Sunday. It is the day to commemorate the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem during the feast of Passover, one of the most important feasts of Israel to remember and celebrate Israel’s deliverance from slavery in Egypt by the mighty hand of God. During this festival…
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INTRODUCTION | God is fully in control and He is using Covid 19 to demonstrate His VICTORY. Thanks be to God who gives us the VICTORY through our Lord Jesus Christ! (1 Cor 15:57). Through Jesus and His Victory on the cross: Confusion and crisis → Confidence and courage; Overwhelmed and overtaken → Overcome; Isolation…
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INTRODUCTION | The MALAYSIA’S UNITED FIREWALL (MU-Firewall) is the LORD’s answer to the cries, prayers and fastings of the church in Malaysia over the walls & gates of our nation that have broken down in the past years, much like Nehemiah when he heard of the conditions of Jerusalem (Neh 1:3-6). The LORD as COMMANDER…
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INTRODUCTION | Jesus Christ gave His life to save us and sent the Holy Spirit to us so thatthrough the Spirit we can live a Spirit filled life – a life that manifests God’spresence, character and power.Jesus lived that Spirit filled life. His key was seeing the Father and hearing Hisvoice daily and obeying Him.…
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INTRODUCTION | Ps Wah Yaw and Sister Seol Mei were called to go to Sibu in 2019. Sensing the urgency and carrying the burden for the harvest that is plentiful, they stepped out by faith and went to the mission field of the Ibans in Sarawak.