Bible Text: John 8:3-11 | Preacher: Ps Tryphena | Download Sermon : 230220_PsTryphena.mp3 INTRODUCTION Our society is very confused about gender because of human rights movements that have made gender very complicated. Instead of just male and female, there is now LGBTIQA. L -Lesbian. G – Gay. B- Bisexual. T – Transexual. I – Intersex.…
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Bible Text: Genesis 48:15-16, Genesis 49:22-26 , Deuteronomy 33:13-17 | Preacher: Ps Khor Hoe Chai | Download Sermon : 20200105_2nd Service_Ps Khor.mp3 Introduction We have entered 2020, a new year and a new decade. What can we expect? The Bible has said that “perilous times will come” (2 Tim 31). It also said that “darkness…
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Bible Text: 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 | Preacher: Ps Khor Hoe Chai | Download Sermon : 20191215_PsKhor2.mp3 INTRODUCTION What consumes your mind controls your life. Having God in control of our thought life is the key to living a godly, victorious and abundant life in Christ. How do we take control of our thoughts to take…
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