
INTRODUCTION | GE 15 ended without a simple majority and so because of that a tussle to see who will rule took place. In the midst of all that is happening we must always remember that the LORD, the maker of heaven and earth is the MOST HIGH GOD and He is in full control…
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INTRODUCTION | How much do you know the Lord? The apostle Paul’s cry is that he may know HIM (Phil 3:10). Daniel declared, “The people who know their God shall be strong and do great exploits for Him (Dan 11:32).” The Lord wants us to know HIM, to know how much He loves us, is…
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INTRODUCTION | Have you ever wondered why the Holy Spirit recorded this verse of how Peter who first ran out to the tomb, had slowed down to allow John to outrun him? Peter, who had denied the Lord 3 times, was likely gripped by a sense of having failed Christ as he ran. He allowed…
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INTRODUCTION : Do you want to see greater glory days? Don’t be contented with what has been built. Don’t rest in the past. You need to say, “It’s not enough. We need more souls, more anointing, more glory.”To the leaders and new generation of leaders and the faithful in this church – Be the Elisha…
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INTRODUCTION | The MRI is an incredible machine. It can look into the internal organs of our body and know what is wrong with it. It is truly a marvelous equipment of medical science. Do you know that God also has an MRI? God’s MRI is His eyes and its function is to scan the…
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INTRODUCTION | Jenny Ooi is a believer who takes God at His Word and is experiencing an abundant life in Him. She testified of her healing of Hepatitis A and Hyperthyroidism by holding on to God’s Word in Isaiah 58:6-7 and James 5:14-15 and applying them. She fasted and she went to the elders of…
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INTRODUCTION | Are you ready to face the Lord when you leave this world? Have you fulfilled what the Lord wants of you? The Lord wants us to obey His great commission which He said to His disciples in Matt 28:18-20. Because someone shared the Gospel to us, we have come to know and believe…
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INTRODUCTIONThe Day of Atonement, 10th Day from the Feast of Trumpets, is considered the most sacred day. The High Priest would prepare himself to enter the Holy of Holies to offer sacrifices to make atonement for the sins of Israel, to obtain God’s mercy and forgiveness that will bring God’s blessings for the New Year.…
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DOUBLE RAINBOW OVER HGC AND VISION OF A CAR ENGAGED IN P GEARDuring the worship, I saw a vision of a car engaged in 4 types of “P” gear. The Lord said “P” is not for “Parking” but for “PRAYER”. P1 represent those who spend 10 mins in prayer, P2 – 20 mins, P3 –…
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INTRODUCTION | Mike Bickle, the founder of International House of Prayer (IHOP) defined success as this: I am loved, I am a lover, and that makes me successful. Every person, young and old, need love in their lives just like we need food. A lack of love will cause all kinds of emotional sicknesses like…
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