
INTRODUCTION | The CEO of Google has cautioned about the dangers of ChatGPT. One of them being the possibility of faces being superimposed on videos and a voice coming out from that person who sounds like that person, looks like that person but is not that person (deepfakes). Robots are also being made to look…
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INTRODUCTION | There are many changes in the world today especially in the area of artificial intelligence (Al). ChatGPT is an Al application which has the potential of taking away jobs such as journalists, paralegal, copywriter, songwriter, research analysts. It is only in JESUS that we find our stability in the midst of such changes.…
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INTRODUCTION | Jesus is alive! But more than that He is alive in us. There were a few things we needed to be reminded of on this Resurrection Sunday because the world will be shaken in a much greater way in the days to come. The Lord has warned us in His Word that the…
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INTRODUCTION | We commemorate Palm Sunday remembering the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem when Jesus openly allowed the crowd to jubilantly welcome Him into Jerusalem as their Messiah and King riding on a donkey fulfilling Zech 9:9. However He did not come to bring a physical kingdom but to establish a spiritual one to…
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INTRODUCTION | Water is a necessity for life as all living things need water to survive. A human being can last more than 30 days without food but 3 days without water would result in dehydration and subsequently death. Where there is water, such as in rivers or lakes, there is life. We can see…
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INTRODUCTION | The church in Corinth, a bustling trading city with diverse cultures and religions, was planted and established by Paul. The Corinthian church grew and eventually, new leaders were added to the church. As the church dynamics changed, additional processes or rules were set in place by church leaders. One such rules was asking…
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INTRODUCTION | God has made us kings and priests in His kingdom to reign with Him (Rev 5:10). Today He is raising up an army of servant priests who will engage in spiritual battle to bring about His victorious dominion in the battlefields of a fallen world. Our King Jesus is the Commander-in-chief leading us…
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INTRODUCTION | Tests are a part of life. From young we go through tests in school. Tests are good for us. God tests us to show us our true conditions. 1 Pet 1:7 tells us that tests (trials) in our lives prove our faith, whether it is genuine. Tests has the ability to purify us…
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INTRODUCTION | We are living in a battlefield and there are victors and victims. Our Lord Jesus has triumphed over all our enemies and now in Himwe are always led by Him into victory. In the story of Abram and Lot in Gen 13-14 we see a victor and a victim. What makes Abram a…
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INTRODUCTION | Divine sovereignty means that God is in charge, ruling and at work to fulfil His will. But if God is good, loving and powerful and He is in charge, why is our world in such a mess? We cannot try to understand God nor His Sovereignty as a created being with our minute…
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