
INTRODUCTIONWhat does it mean to be born again? In the 1970s, Jimmy Carter the President of the United States identified to the whole world that he was a born again Christian. This term “born again Christian” is a redundancy. Reason being, the New Testament knows of no other kind of Christian. To be a Christian,…
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INTRODUCTIONHope is about the future. It is the confident expectancy of good. Despite the many challenges in our country, we still have hope because God has a destiny for Malaysia. However, there are those who do not see a future for Malaysia and opt to leave the country. People without hope don’t see any future…
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INTRODUCTIONDuring MCO, God gave Ps Tony a dream where he saw a group of runners at the starting line of a race which he understood as God revealing to him that the church is getting ready for the last and final lap of the race of faith before the Lord returns and raptures (takes up)…
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INTRODUCTION Ps Wah Yaw and Sis Seol Mei have been serving with Ps Shin in the mission field in Sarawak ministering to those staying in the longhouses and also to school students. Do begin by thanking God for them and asking God to bless their ministry in East Malaysia.

INTRODUCTIONThe Lord is waiting & longing to do a new work in us in these 40 Days of Fast & Pray. It is a time of personal & corporate soul searching.• A season of Preparation – strengthening our inner man• A season of Open Heavens – to SEE and hear from Him• A season of…
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INTRODUCTIONThe purpose of this message is to share principles on the Ezra fast as highlighted in the selected text and to relate them to the NECF 40-days fast & pray as an encouragement for members to join.

INTRODUCTION – WHEN YOU FAST7 Aug to 15 Sept is the 23rd National 40 days Fasting and Prayer. We want to prepare ourselves as a church to participate and be blessed. It is timely as the state election will be on 12 Aug. Jesus said, “When you fast”. That means it was the norm to…
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INTRODUCTION – WHY DOES GOD TESTS US?Abraham is known as the father of faith because he believed God. Having faith inGod means that Abraham took God’s word seriously and obeyed Him. Heb 11:8-19records how Abraham believed God, pleased God and was rewarded by God.Today God wants us to believe Him and obey Him so that…
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INTRODUCTION | The Covid 19 pandemic was God’s wake up call for all of us to help us realize the true state ofour hearts and our faith. Many were unprepared for the sudden changes and could not handleand manage resulting in breakdown, depression, and despair. God allowed what hadhappened to help people turnaround from mourning…
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INTRODUCTION | Sister Wai Keng joined HGC 14 years ago and in these 14 years she has experienced the goodness of God in many wonderful ways. She has been blessed to be a blessing. Many testified that her life has impacted them, directly or indirectly. Ps Khor has asked her 2 questions. 1. How do…
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