
INTRODUCTION | Our God is the All Consuming Fire. He has promised to baptize us with His Spirit and with Fire! His will is for His church to be on fire for Jesus, to live in His zeal. To be on fire for Jesus is a spiritual battle in our fallen world where sin and…
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INTRODUCTION | The LORD gave me this message out of the time of seeking HIM in prayer and fellowship with Klang Valley pastors. What do the title of the message means?

INTRODUCTION | Things are getting tougher. Lots of people are distressed, oppressed and depressed. Churches are praying, but the situations seem to be getting worse. During crisis, there is a tendency to overly focus on the problem which can cause people to be unable to function well. Some Christians give up their faith, foregoing their…
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INTRODUCTION | Pentecost is 50 days after Jesus rose again from the dead, and 10 days after His ascension to the Throne of God in heaven. It marks the great outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the 120 disciples in the upper room (Acts 2:1-4). It is not just the past but today too. It…
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INTRODUCTION | In the book Revolution, George Barna noted that “We are NOT called to go to church. We are called to be the church.”. In other words, we are NOT to be Doing church, but Being the Church.

INTRODUCTION | We are living in troubling times. The end is near, a new dawning is coming and theLord wants His church to be prepared for what is ahead.

INTRODUCTION | These eight words ‘YET NOT I BUT THROUGH CHRIST IN ME’ sum up God’s beautiful act of salvation for mankind!! It is His gift to us! Having Christ in us is our Hope. Through Him we can contend in the faith and through His power we can accomplish all things. Those words were…
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INTRODUCTION | There are 3Cs in the prayers on the Firewall (“FW”) which if practised diligently can truly lead to changes in our lives.

INTRODUCTION | There is a battle going on and everyone is involved. It is a spiritual battle in the battlefield of our sinful world of darkness, deception, troubles, storms, fears, sicknesses and where the devil is out to steal, kill and destroy. The battle rages in the hearts, souls, minds and mouths of people old…
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INTRODUCTION | To pray is to Converse / Communicate (2 way) with God, to spend time with God, to enjoy His presence and to commune or share together with Him. You don’t need to repeat yourself or use perfect English. The emphasis is that God wants men especially fathers to pray! And to pray for…
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