
INTRODUCTION | Children are very precious to the LORD and He wants them to come to Him and be blessed by Him. We thank the LORD for our Children’s Church under the leadership of Sister York Ling and her team. As the team led in the worship service we are enlightened to see all that…
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INTRODUCTION | It is vital for us to have the right focus in life, and it is not easy because there are so many things seeking to divert our focus on God. God wants us to focus on what we have and NOT on what we don’t have. What do you see in a ½…
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INTRODUCTION | 6 months before the first MCO in 2020, in a time of seeking the Lord in KL House of Prayer (KLHOP) with other believers, the LORD showed Rebecca Joy an open vision. She saw God’s hand holding the earth and shaking it like a person shaking a pepper shaker. The earth was so…
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INTRODUCTION | Dr Timothy Sng, one of Malaysia’s top neurologists, accepted the Lord Jesus as his Saviour 40 years ago after seeking God in the Bible. He read from Genesis, through the Old Testament and into the New Testament. In his search for God’s help, at a time when his wife was pregnant with their…
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INTRODUCTION | God’s plan for us in our journey of life is to enter His rest daily and eventually to enter His eternal rest in the new heaven and new earth when we come to the state of perfection, enjoying God and His creation in complete satisfaction. However, this journey will be tested by the…
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INTRODUCTION | Our lives are pulled in too many directions due to many demands and distractions. Because of that, we cannot live a focused life and hence we can be ineffective, weak and aimless. The most important focus for us as Christians is the cross and resurrection of our Lord Jesus. Remembering His broken body…
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INTRODUCTION | The Hebrew word for Jehovah Jireh is “rawar”. Although it is translated the Lord- will-Provide, its popular meaning is “The Lord will see to it”. It means that God does not just take care of our physical/material needs in life but He has made provision to secure our eternity through His Son Jesus…
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INTRODUCTION | We all have needs especially during these difficult days. Physical needs; emotional needs; relational needs; social needs and spiritual needs.In Num 20, the people of God found themselves needing water which was a serious and critical need. They had been travelling almost 40 years in the wilderness on their way to the promised…
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INTRODUCTION | The one year delayed-Olympic games held in Japan recently was such a controversial event. It had the least represented countries, the fewest delegates/athletes and with no spectators allowed to cheer for their countrymen. For any athlete who disciplines himself, trains hard and sacrifices years to enter to these games, it would be devastating…
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INTRODUCTION | Miss Moey is greatly blessed, and she has been a great blessing. She is an ardent follower of Christ who serves the Lord all her life, in the church and in the nation as an educator. She is an educationist at heart and was a school principal for many years in MBSKL, MBS…
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