INTRODUCTION | Pastor Ann was called and “catapulted” by the Lord to America without knowing what God had in stored for her. God said that she is a matchstick and to go and light up the fire wherever she went, and to go by faith. The trip went on for 5 months and she visited…
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INTRODUCTION | We are indeed living in perilous times and unchartered territories. There are wars and rumours of wars, financial distress, suicides, people having mental and emotional problems. Natural disasters like earthquakes, floods have occurred in our nation and of course, the covid 19 pandemic which had claimed many lives is still raging. Jesus says…
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INTRODUCTION | We are the beloved and the blessed of the LORD who bear His name – belonging to Him and bought by His precious blood; who bear His image – conforming to the image of Christ more and more; who bring Him glory – shining forth His light as His living witnesses. The LORD…
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INTRODUCTION | What is Stress? Stress is an emotional or physical tension. It makes you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous. It is our reaction to a challenge or demand that puts a strain on our soul and body to the level of “unable to cope” or breakdown. In Luke 10:38-42, we see how the sisters…
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INTRODUCTION | Everyone seems to know someone who had covid or maybe you had covid too. Common reactions would be fear, despair, helplessness or even guilt. Let’s find out what the Word of God from the OT has to say about plagues/epidemics so that we can take comfort from God’s Word and stay focus to…
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INTRODUCTION | What’s on our forehead spiritually signifies whom we belong to and whose image we bear. God is a jealous God who loves His people jealously/zealously, a Consuming Fire for their good (Exod 34:14, Deut 4:24). The LORD is a Man of war who is zealous to fight for His people against all our…
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INTRODUCTION | What’s on our forehead is vital to our lives now and for all eternity. It is not about a physical mark on our foreheads. According to the book of Revelation in the end we, the children of God will be in the holy city, the New Jerusalem, and we will see God’s face,…
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INTRODUCTION | We are living in the days of the “beginning of sorrows”. The pandemic will continue, and the world will get darker and darker. BUT for the people of God, the Glory of the Lord is upon us and we are to shine brighter and brighter. God has allowed the shaking to test our…
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