Even in such a time as this, His church is not asleep. Amen! Pastor Khor and the worship team on Facebook lead us in worship, prayer and word daily. So, send a request to join in if you are not in our church’s FB group https://www.facebook.com/groups/191053943552/?ref=bookmarks .
Here is the photo gallery of the event. Click here to watch the video https://hgc.org.my/blog/aiovg_videos/26th-church-anniversary-2020/. Enjoy!
Dear HGC family, After much prayerful considerations following the directive from the Ministry of Health (MOH) to contain the spread of Covid 19, the leadership of HGC have decided on the following: The services and activities of our church after our Anniversary Service on 15th March will be as such: For the next 2 Sundays…
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