INTRODUCTION | We all have needs especially during these difficult days. Physical needs; emotional needs; relational needs; social needs and spiritual needs.In Num 20, the people of God found themselves needing water which was a serious and critical need. They had been travelling almost 40 years in the wilderness on their way to the promised…
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INTRODUCTION | The one year delayed-Olympic games held in Japan recently was such a controversial event. It had the least represented countries, the fewest delegates/athletes and with no spectators allowed to cheer for their countrymen. For any athlete who disciplines himself, trains hard and sacrifices years to enter to these games, it would be devastating…
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INTRODUCTION | Miss Moey is greatly blessed, and she has been a great blessing. She is an ardent follower of Christ who serves the Lord all her life, in the church and in the nation as an educator. She is an educationist at heart and was a school principal for many years in MBSKL, MBS…
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INTRODUCTION | Ps 46:10 Be still and know that I am God. This is the command and invitation of God to us during times of turmoil and troubles. He wants us to know – to experience Him personally and be strengthened in Him. The LORD repeatedly said to His people, “I AM THE LORD YOUR…
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INTRODUCTION | No matter how dark our circumstances may be, we have the LIGHT of the LORD WITHIN us (Is 60:1-2). Let His light in us shine increasingly wherever we are by praying, giving and serving. The Lord also wants to encourage us to do so TOGETHER AS ONE MAN! As in Judges 6:16 And…
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INTRODUCTION | Malaysia is at its darkest hour with the rising covid-19 infections and the many fatalities. Malaysia is now top in the number of deaths per million in the world. The casualties include Christians and pastors. Though they have gone to glory to be with the Lord, we are still greatly saddened by the…
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INTRODUCTION | Leprosy in the Bible is seen as the disease of sin. Leprosy is deadly just as the wages of sin is death. There is no hope for a leper. Besides that, he or she was to be removed from society, including family and friends, and had to live the rest of his life…
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