Ps Khor – Keep The Fire Burning

Ps Khor – Keep The Fire Burning

Our God is the All Consuming Fire. He has promised to baptize us with His Spirit and with Fire! His will is for His church to be on fire for Jesus, to live in His zeal. To be on fire for Jesus is a spiritual battle in our fallen world where sin and the works of the flesh abounds. We need to realise that the battle is not just around us but a battle that is waged in our heart, soul, mind and also in our tongue. A test to see if we are winning this battle is to examine how we speak. If we are speaking faith, life, grace, truth, with love, joy and peace then we are in victory. However, if our speech is negative, critical, judgmental and condemning, harsh and impatient then we are losing the battle. To understand our call to Keep the fire burning we need to know that we are AN ARMY OF PRIESTS!


Download Sermon Note From Here: 12.06 Keep the Fire burning – Ps Khor.pdf

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