INTRODUCTION : Do you want to see greater glory days? Don’t be contented with what has been built. Don’t rest in the past. You need to say, “It’s not enough. We need more souls, more anointing, more glory.”
To the leaders and new generation of leaders and the faithful in this church – Be the Elisha generation that God wants us to be. Elisha knew the God of Elijah and asked for a double portion of the anointing to be a blessing to his nation. He did greater miracles and made the difference. (2 Kings 2:9-14)
But there is a BIG IF – God moves IF you desire Him, IF you desire what He desires, IF you believe the word He is speaking to you today. Do not rest on the works of God in the past. God is doing something new in this church. You are going to see revival fire fall in this church and it is going to translate not just to spiritual blessings but even physical growth.